Helix Rock Radio KICK ASS ROCK SHOW EP 23

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Wednesdays round one of JC’s Kick Ass Rock Show today and Noon est on Helix Rock Radio Featuring some of the best up and coming bands out there. This weeks bands include tracks from:
CloZure, The Heavy Strides, Zacthelocust, Dark Remedy, Divided Truth, WormRose, Tin Zelkova, Incognito Theory, Widow7, House of Hosts, Shallow Side, Cicadastone, The Avondale Spiders, Medusa Glare, The Blood Republic, The Failsafe, Love & Opium, NICKOLOFF, Axminster, Bedrokk, Divine Martyr, SIX GUN QUOTA, Stickman, The Rising Fall, Abaddon’s End, Dianthvs, Tennessee Holy Water, Led Zeppelin
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Curtain Call Records, SaN PR, Eclipse Records, Happy Being Miserable Promotions, Paul Crosby Management-PCM, #indieband #supportlocalartists