Edge of the Abyss 06/21/2024

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This show highlights a very death metal heavy week of new releases! Featuring new tracks from Misyrion, Practical Gore, DeRelict, Cavalera Conspiracy, and more. Two hours of the heaviest, nastiest, most brutal death, black, doom, and thrash metal.

Original Broadcast: 06/21/2024

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 Track List

Host recommendations highlighted green. Listener requests highlighted blue.

  • The Mutilator – Practical Gore
  • Rotten Apple – Fulci
  • Happy Song – Kill the Con Man
  • Eons of a Glass Eternity – Misyrion
  • Shit Rains Down – WHARFLURCH
  • Demonic Paradise – Anthropophagus Depravity
  • From the Past Comes the Storms (Re-Recorded) – Cavalera Conspiracy
  • Nocturnal Forge – Assimilator
  • Transfer of Pain – You Will Burn
  • GUILLOTINE – Gasket
  • The Center That Cannot Hold – Replacire
  • Workhorse – DeRelict
  • Vacant Orb – Brutally Deceased
  • Empire In Ashes – Ancient Entities
  • Sinners of the Seven Seas – Powerwolf
  • Church Keys – RIFFLORD
  • Besmirched – Vexing Hex
  • Beautification – Bangladeafy
  • Wicked Spell – FANGUS
  • No Love for the Prey – Grimoire
  • Forgive Our Sins – Cainites
  • Pestering Lamentations – Hyperdontia
  • Trenched in Blood – Codex Mortis
  • Basilisk – Kvaen
  • Nidhogg – YR nor
  • The Orchard of Grief – Inherits The Void
  • Them, The Guiltless – Feed Them Death
  • Monument to Failure – Construct of Lethe